Pelvic Floor Pain Relief: Physical Therapy in Denver

Pelvic floor pain is a common and often debilitating problem that can have a huge impact on our quality of life. 

It can often go undiagnosed and is regularly misdiagnosed, leading to a lack of understanding about the condition, confusion about how to manage it, and a sense of desperation as nothing seems to relieve the discomfort. 

What does pelvic floor dysfunction feel like?

Pelvic floor dysfunction can cause a variety of symptoms depending on the type of dysfunction. Common symptoms include chronic pelvic pain (anywhere in the lower abdomen or pelvis), difficulty with voiding (urinating or having bowel movements), pressure or heaviness in the pelvic region, frequent urination, pain during sexual intercourse, and/or a sense of incomplete emptying of the bladder or rectum after voiding.

Pelvic floor dysfunction can also feel like general pelvic pain, burning or painful sensations during urination, evacuation, or intercourse; or bladder or rectal pressure, and difficulty initiating or maintaining a stream of urine.

Pelvic pain can really affect your life. 

Michaela was a client of ours, and a stay-at-home mom of two young boys, aged 2 and 4. She really enjoyed taking care of her kids and her family, but she was feeling discomfort in her pelvic area that she just couldn't ignore. It was a dull, chronic ache that seemed to be getting worse over time. She tried to take it easy and take care of her body but the pain kept coming back. Since she’s also known as Wonder Woman in her house, she kept thinking it would “just go away” eventually. But, it didn’t.

She began to limit her activities, finally giving up on the running and yoga classes she used to love so much. She felt frustrated that she couldn't do all the things she used to enjoy and it was taking a toll on her physical and mental health. 

She talked to her primary care doctor and was told that the most likely cause of her pain were issues with her pelvic floor muscles, which can cause a lot of distress in the low back and belly. She was then referred to a physical therapist for pelvic floor physical therapy, which she was excited about as a solution. 

At her appointment, our physical therapist team assessed her entire body to determine the source of her pain.  Like many other moms, her deep core stabilizers were not firing like they should (including her hips), causing her pelvic floor and low back to be working too hard.  We used manual therapy techniques to establish more normalized joint and soft tissue mobility. She was also taught exercises to do on her own to help breathe more optimally, strengthen the lower abdominals and hips, and coordinate how she was using her pelvic floor. She was stunned at how quickly her pain began to subside and even more pleased at seeing the improvements in her overall function. Hurrah!

Michaela was so happy to resume the activities that she had to give up due to her pain. She was able to start running again, go to her yoga classes, and even enjoy going to the park with her two young boys again. 

Michaela was so grateful that she sought out help from a physical therapist and got on the road to recovery. If it wasn't for her care, she would still be struggling with her pain, unable to be the active mom she and her family deserved.

What else can physical therapists do for pelvic pain?

Physical therapists can help individuals with pelvic pain by developing and implementing individualized treatment plans that address the underlying issues causing the pain. 

This can involve using a variety of specialized manual therapy treatments to reduce tension along the areas of pain, strengthen weakened muscles and promote coordination and mobility of the pelvic floor muscles. 

Techniques such as myofascial release, dry needling, trigger point release, joint and soft tissue mobilization, and pelvic floor muscle retraining can all help to alleviate pain and improve overall function. 

In addition, physical therapists can provide education on posture, ergonomics, and activity modification to maximize mechanical efficiency and reduce the risk of re-injury - so you get back to being you!

At our Denver physical therapy practice, we offer a complimentary Discovery Session to see if PT might be a good course of action for you. Just click here to get started.